- roll-rate
- roll-rate pickup
датчик угловой скорости крена
English-Russian aviation dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian aviation dictionary. 2015.
Roll rate — is a term used to define the rate at which an aircraft can change its roll attitude, typically expressed in degrees per second … Wikipedia
roll rate — noun The rate at which an [aircraft] can change its roll attitude, typically expressed in degrees per second … Wiktionary
roll-back — UK US (also rollback) noun [C] ► an occasion when the influence of particular laws, rules, etc. is reduced: »The telephone company has asked for a roll back of leasing rules. ► FINANCE a reduction of prices, costs, taxes, etc., especially so that … Financial and business terms
Roll-Over-Kredit — Als Roll over Kredit bezeichnet man einen längerfristigen Kredit, dessen Zinssatz nicht für die gesamte Laufzeit festgelegt, sondern in vertraglich festgelegten Abständen den jeweiligen Marktverhältnissen angepasst wird. Die Zinsanpassung erfolgt … Deutsch Wikipedia
Roll Over Kredit — Als Roll over Kredit bezeichnet man einen längerfristigen Kredit, dessen Zinssatz nicht für die gesamte Laufzeit festgelegt, sondern in vertraglich festgelegten Abständen den jeweiligen Marktverhältnissen angepasst wird. Die Zinsanpassung erfolgt … Deutsch Wikipedia
Roll's Critique — An economic idea that suggests that it is impossible to create or observe a truly diversified market portfolio (one of the key variables of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM)). According to this view, a true market portfolio would include… … Investment dictionary
roll steer coefficient — the rate of change in roll steer with respect to change in suspension roll angle at a given trim … Mechanics glossary
roll-off — /rohl awf , of /, n. 1. Electronics. the rate of loss or attenuation of a signal beyond a certain frequency. 2. Aeron. the tendency of an airplane to lower one wing under varying conditions of flight. [n. use of v. phrase roll off] * * * … Universalium
roll camber coefficient — the rate of change in wheel inclination angle with respect to change in suspension roll angle … Mechanics glossary
roll-over credit — A medium or long term bank loan in which the rate of interest varies with short term money market rates (such as LIBOR) because the bank has raised the loan by short term money market or interbank market borrowing … Big dictionary of business and management
Barrel roll — For other uses, see Barrel roll (disambiguation). Barrel roll A barrel roll is an aerial maneuver in which an airplane makes a complete rotation on its longitudinal axis while following a helical path, approximately maintaining its original… … Wikipedia